Community Care

Staying at home or somewhere that “feels like home” for as long as possible: Clariane develops innovative solutions in line with the changing aspirations of seniors to live at home over the long term and benefit from a wide range of activities and a more intense social life. Through assisted living, domiciliary care, and shared living houses, Clariane has chosen to expand its range of services since 2018 and accelerate its transformation.

The Group’s community care activity accounts for 12.4% of its total turnover (as of 31 December 2024), alongside its long-term care (62.1%) and specialty care (25.5%) activities, and is part of a real development dynamic. With 277 locations and 318 domiciliary care agencies in six European countries where the Group operates, Clariane doubled its capacity to support more than 80,000 people in 2024.

People increasingly value being able to remain at home. Clariane is adapting to this change and, with the innovative spirit that runs through all our activities, offers solutions that meet this aspiration. These include increasing our outpatient capacity in healthcare facilities, launching alternative living solutions and new domiciliary care services, and opening our care homes to outpatients through day care.

Sophie Boissard CEO


Clariane offers specific residential solutions for seniors: 

Domiciliary care

Domiciliary care services that offer local multidisciplinary assistance and allow seniors, especially in rural areas, to continue to live at home, while being monitored and protected. These services are offered in France, Germany, Italy and Belgium.

Senior Service Residences

Senior Service Residences welcome autonomous seniors who wish to maintain their social ties and enjoy the conviviality of a shared, open and secure space that promotes autonomy and well-being. In addition to à la carte services, medical supervision can be provided. 

Alternative living in shared accommodation

An innovative approach, shared accommodation for senior citizens is an alternative and inclusive form of housing for elderly people who are losing their independence. In the form of small residential units, these eight-bedroom houses (for seven residents and one care assistant) combine private and collective areas. These protected and adapted living spaces, with a family spirit, are deeply rooted in the areas where they are located. The Clariane Group’s shared accommodations for senior citizens are being developed in France and Germany. 

Key figures

  • 277


  • 80000

    residents and clients

  • 13730


  • 373

    shared living houses

  • #1

    Petits-fils: the leading private network for home services in France


  • The challenges of an ageing population – by 2030, people aged 65 and over will represent almost 1/4 of the European population – and temporary or long-term dependency (+40% by 2030), combined with the digital revolution and the clearly expressed wish to remain at home for as long as possible, are radically transforming the organisation of care and services for seniors.
  • Rethinking the provision of care and support for the elderly and vulnerable is a priority and should focus on prevention, home care and services in facilities tailored to their health situation and expectations.  
  • The Clariane Group is an expert in the provision of care and support to the elderly and vulnerable; it is innovating to meet the aspirations of the new generations of European seniors in terms of services, support and care.

Our locations

A French group founded in 2003, Clariane has rapidly expanded its operations across Europe, with acquisitions in Italy and Germany in 2007, Belgium in 2013, and Spain and the Netherlands in 2019.

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