About us

With 63,000 employees in six European countries, Clariane is meeting the major challenge of taking care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerabilty through its three activities: long-term care, specialty care, and community care.

Clariane is the leading European community for care, healthcare and hospitality in times of vulnerability

Our 20-year-old Group and the 63,000 Clariane employees support 886,000 residents and patients in our 1,220 facilities in France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.

Clariane is a key player involved in care, healthcare and hospitality. The Group has developed a unique set of skills and expertise, built upon the values of trust, initiative and responsibility upheld by each of its employees.

Clariane is a purpose-driven company, committed to:

Taking care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerability

In line with the major demographic, epidemiological and sociological challenges of our time, Clariane offers personalised forms of support, organised around three major families of activities: long-term care, speality care, and community care.

Its three pillars of activity harness complementary and cross-cutting expertise

Long-Term Care

Clariane, an expert provider of care for the elderly, welcomes and assists nearly 90,000 residents each year in its 666 facilities in Europe (Korian networks, Seniors Residencias, Stepping Stones).


Specialty Care

The Clariane Group assists more than 700,000 patients each year in 277 healthcare facilities in Europe, providing full-time hospitalisation, day hospitalisation and outpatient care as well as home hospitalisation services (Inicea, Grupo 5, Ita Salud Mental, etc.).


Community Care

Clariane supports more than 80,000 people through its shared living houses and the deployment of home services agencies (Petits-Fils, etc.).


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