
An organized governance structure to adress Clariane’s current and future challenges. Our governance is well balanced in terms of both composition and set-up, which is very advantageous for discussion and decision-making to create shared value.
Board of Directors
The Group is administered by a Board of Directors composed of 16 members, chaired by Jean-Pierre Duprieu. Four specialised Committees study and prepare the Board of Directors’ deliberations and submit to it their opinions, proposals or recommendations in their area of expertise: the Audit Committee, the Compensation and Appointments Committee, the Investment Committee and the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee.
Jean-Pierre Duprieu
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Sophie Boissard
Chief Executive Officer
Matthieu Lance
Director and member of the Compensation and Appointments Committee
Director represented by Florence Barjou, Chairwoman of the Investment Committee and Member of the Audit Committee
Jean-Bernard Lafonta
Director, Member of the Compensation and Appointments Committee and Member of the Investment Committee
HLD Europe
Director representing by Mrs Julie Le Goff, Member of the Audit Committee and Member of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee
Ondřej Novák
Guillaume Bouhours
Independent Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee and Member of the Compensation and Appointments Committee
Dr Jean-François Brin
Independent Director, Member of the Audit Committee and Member of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Commitee
Patricia Damerval
Independent Director, Member of the Audit Committee and Member of the Investment Committee
Anne Lalou
Independent Director, Chairwoman of the Compensation and Appointments Committee and Member of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee
Philippe Lévêque
Independent Director and Chairman of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee
Sylvia Metayer
Independant Director, Member of the Audit Committee, Member of the Investment Committee and Member of the Ethics, quality & CSR Committee
Dr Markus Müschenich
Independent Director and Member of the Compensation and Appointments Committee and of the Investment Committee
Marie-Christine Leroux
Director representing employees and member of the Compensation and Appointments Committee
Gilberto Antonio Nieddu
Director representing employees and member of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee
Four specialised Committees have been set up within the Board of Directors:
- The Audit Committee chaired by Guillaume Bouhours
- The Investment Committee chaired by Predica (represented by Florence Barjou)
- The Compensation and Appointments Committee chaired by Anne Lalou
- The Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee chaired by Philippe Lévêque
The Board of Directors has adopted Internal Regulations which set out and specify, in addition to the statutory provisions as well as all legal and regulatory provisions in force, its organisational and operating procedures. They also set out the rights and obligations of all members of the Board.
> Read the Articles of Association
> Read the Internal Regulations
Group Management Board

Sophie Boissard
Chief Executive Officer
Rémi Boyer
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Korian Germany
Dominiek Beelen
Managing Director of Korian Benelux
Marion Cardon
Managing Director of Korian France
Frédéric Durousseau
Chief Executive Officer Clariane Real Estate
Anne-Charlotte Dymny
Group CITO and Chair of Clariane Spain
Federico Guidoni
Managing Director of Korian Italy
Grégory Lovichi
Group Chief Financial Officer
Nicolas Mérigot
Managing Director of Clariane France
Nicolas Pécourt
Group Chief Communications Officer
Antoine Piau
Group Chief Medical, Ethics, and Health Innovation Officer
Charles-Antoine Pinel
Group Chief Revenue and Development Officer
Nadège Plou
Group Chief Human Resources Officer
Guillaume Appéré
General Secretary
Clariane SE Executive Committee
Sophie Boissard
Chief Executive Officer
Rémi Boyer
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Korian Germany
Anne-Charlotte Dymny
Group CITO and Chair of Clariane Spain
Sébastien Legrand
Director of the Better Support program
Grégory Lovichi
Group Chief Financial Officer
Charles-Antoine Pinel
Group Chief Revenue and Development Officer
Nadège Plou
Group Chief Human Resources Officer
Guillaume Appéré
General Secretary
Mission Committee

Nicolas Truelle
Chairman of the Mission Committee
College representing employees
Bo Swolfs
Director of the nursing home De Muze in Belgium
Catia Piantoni
President of the Clariane Women’s Club
Jérôme Vandekerkhove
Secretary of the Comité social et économique central France
Martina Nickel
Social assistance worker within the Haus der Betreuung und Pflege Vienenburg nursing home
College representing Families, patients residents and local communities
Dr Stefan Arend
Chairman of Clariane Germany Stakeholder Council
Prof Francesco Longo
Chairman of Clariane Italy Stakeholder Council
Dr Jacques van der Horst
Chairman of Clariane Netherlands Stakeholder Council
College representing qualified persons
Moira Allan
Co-founder and international coordinator of the NGO "Pass It On"
Jean-Marie Bockel
Former French minister and former mayor of Mulhouse (FR)
Etienne Caniard
Former Chairman of Mutualité Française and former member of Haute Autorité de santé (HAS, France’s Health Authority)
Antoine Maspétiol
Managing director of Eiffel Impact Debt and Eiffel Investment Group
Pierre-Yves Pouliquen
Chairman of the NGO “Les Papillons Blancs de la colline” and Sustainable Development Director at Veolia
Also read
About us
With 63,000 employees in six European countries, Clariane is meeting the major challenge of taking care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerabilty through its three activities.
Trust, responsibility, initiative: our three values are at the heart of our commitment and guide our actions on a daily basis.
With “At your side”, its new corporate project, Clariane confirms its strategic shift from old age to fragility.