
An organized governance structure to adress Clariane’s current and future challenges. Our governance is well balanced in terms of both composition and set-up, which is very advantageous for discussion and decision-making to create shared value.

Board of Directors

The Group is administered by a Board of Directors composed of 16 members, chaired by Jean-Pierre Duprieu. Four specialised Committees study and prepare the Board of Directors’ deliberations and submit to it their opinions, proposals or recommendations in their area of expertise: the Audit Committee, the Compensation and Appointments Committee, the Investment Committee and the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee.

Four specialised Committees have been set up within the Board of Directors:

  • The Audit Committee chaired by Guillaume Bouhours
  • The Investment Committee chaired by Predica (represented by Florence Barjou)
  • The Compensation and Appointments Committee chaired by Anne Lalou
  • The Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee chaired by Philippe Lévêque

The Board of Directors has adopted Internal Regulations which set out and specify, in addition to the statutory provisions as well as all legal and regulatory provisions in force, its organisational and operating procedures. They also set out the rights and obligations of all members of the Board.

> Read the Articles of Association
> Read the Internal Regulations

Group Management Board

Clariane SE Executive Committee

Mission Committee

College representing employees

College representing Families, patients residents and local communities

College representing qualified persons

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