Sustainable finance

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ESG framework

  • SPO S&P Global Korian Social Financing Framework

  • Korian Social Financing Framework

  • Korian Group Green Bond Framework Assessment - 28 May 2021

Social bonds

  • PR Social Bond - Report on the allocation and impact - October 2022

  • €300m October 2021 Social Bond Allocation & Impact Reporting - October 2022

  • €300m Social Bond Reporting October 2022 - Auditors attestation

  • €300m Social Bond - Offering Memorandum

  • Korian announces the successful issuance of its 7-year €300m inaugural social bond

Green bonds

  • Issuer notice - coupon change

  • £200m June 2021 Green Bond Allocation & Impact reporting - June 2023

  • £200m Green Bond Reporting June 2023 - Auditors attestation

  • Korian Greenbond Framework - May 2021

  • £200m June 2021 Green Bond Allocation & Impact reporting - June 2022

  • GBP200m Green Bond Reporting June 2022 - Auditors attestation

  • Offering Memorandum

  • Investor presentation - Inaugural perpetual green bond for £200 million

  • Korian announces a successful issuance of an inaugural perpetual green bond for £200 million

Sustainability-linked Euro PP

  • Korian announces a successfull tap issue of €57 million of its Sustainability-Linked Euro PP bringing its total amount to €230 million

  • Marking a new milestone in its commitment to social and environmental responsibility, Korian has issued €173 million of 8-year notes through its first Sustainability Linked Euro Private Placement

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