European Sustainable Development Week: Clariane is taking action on climate change!

Clariane Group

Protecting our communities by adopting everyday practices and behaviours that help combat climate change and preserve biodiversity is one of our five commitments as a purpose-driven company. Our commitment to sustainability, that is evident throughout the year, takes on a special dimension during European Sustainable Development Week. Organised within the Group from 30 September to 11 October 2024, the initiative encourages every member of the Clariane community to get involved, get informed and contribute, in their own way, to a more sustainable future for everyone.

2024 saw the validation of our decarbonisation objectives aligned with the Paris Agreements and our inclusion in the CAC® SBT 1.5° index. At Clariane, the 2024 Sustainable Development Week particularly highlights the need to mobilise all levels of the organisation when it comes to climate action. Sharing best practices, contests between facilities, interactive conferences. Every effort counts!

Olivier Robin Olivier Robin, CSR Director of the Clariane Group

Events held by and for the Clariane community to mark European Sustainable Development Week

Climate Pitch Conference

What is a carbon sink? Can sorting your emails significantly reduce your carbon footprint? Which everyday eco-friendly actions have the biggest impact? The key to taking action is knowing and understanding!

On 3 October, all the employees of Clariane France, from head offices and facilities, will be taking part in the “Climate Pitch”, a short, online conference to help understand the mechanisms, causes and consequences of climate change, in just 60 minutes!

The conference, hosted by the Planet On Stage association, will be followed by a 30-minute discussion on how to take action in your personal and professional life.

“Acting for the climate” webinar

Local purchasing, energy, sustainable mobility, circular economy... there are many ways to combat climate change, but how can we put them into practice in our facilities?

This is the aim of the webinar “Acting for the climate in our facilities” to be held on 10 October for the Clariane France teams, presenting initiatives that have already been introduced in our facilities by committed employees.

European photo contest between facilities

From 16 September to 16 October 2024, the Group is running a photo challenge on the theme of climate change for all its employees in Europe, entitled “Our facilities and climate change”.

The aim? To raise awareness of environmental issues in all our facilities and inspire them to take initiatives to tackle climate change.

Photos can illustrate three themes:

  • the impact of climate change on their facility
  • how their facility is adapting to climate change
  • how their facility is helping to combat climate change

On-site activities

A number of activities will be organised in our facilities:

  • creative workshops on the theme of recycling (upcycling, etc.)
  • involvement in a local sustainable development event

Sustainability: Clariane has its climate objectives validated by the SBTi initiative

In June 2024, Clariane achieved a key milestone by obtaining formal approval of its short-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), having joined in 2023.

By 2031, compared to 2021, Clariane is committed to:

  • reducing its absolute GHG emissions from energy and refrigerants (scopes 1 & 2) by 46%.
  • reducing its absolute indirect GHG emissions by 28%, mainly from goods and services purchased, waste generated, business travel and employee travel (scope 3).

The creation of a Climate Committee in early 2024, bringing together the Group’s main functions responsible for monitoring action plans to mitigate and adapt to climate change, will enable the low-carbon roadmap to be followed and monitored.

Did you know? The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) was created by leading international organisations in the field of climate action, including the United Nations Global Compact and the WWF. It validates that the GHG reduction targets set by a company correspond to the reduction needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C or less than 2°C. To date, more than 8,700 companies worldwide have joined the initiative.

Sustainability: find out more about our commitment

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