Senior Living Group equips its nursing homes with CO2 monitors in the fight against coronavirus

Senior Living Group is the first Korian institution in Belgium to invest in the purchase of CO2 monitors to ensure the control of the ambient air quality in its 120 sites.
In order to fight against coronavirus in its rest and care nursing homes, Senior Living Group has acquired CO2 monitors to enable better monitoring of the air quality in all its rest and care nursing homes. Each of the 120 sites is equipped with at least one of these CO2 monitors to guarantee an objective measurement. Larger rest and care nursing homes have received several devices.
"CO2 monitors will be used primarily to monitor air quality in public spaces such as canteens where large numbers of people gather together and remove their masks to eat, which increases the risk of contamination. We all breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2. If the CO2 level in a room is too high, it is time to renew the indoor air, for example by ventilating. If a virus is present in the room in aerosol form (i.e. fine droplets that remain in the air and are emitted by a resident or staff member who is contaminated but not necessarily symptomatic), the viral load can be diluted in time. This considerably reduces the risk of contamination for other residents and staff. In the fight against coronavirus, it has been clearly demonstrated that good air quality and sufficient ventilation are essential conditions, especially in closed spaces where several people stay together for a long time", explains Peter Persyn, Medical & Ethical Counsel at Senior Living Group.
Senior Living Group has opted for the Renson Sense monitor. This device continuously measures the CO2 level in the room in which it is installed. Based on different colours, it visually indicates when the air quality is poor and when action is needed. Light blue means good quality, orange means average quality and red means poor quality (*). The continuous air quality measurement can be consulted online using the "SENSE" application. Thanks to Sense, we now have an objective tool that allows us to know whether the air in the public space where residents are located is healthy or unhealthy. The resulting manual intervention considerably reduces the risk of spreading diseases or viruses.
(*) • Blue: CO2 concentration of less than 800 ppm. Air quality is good. • Orange: CO2 concentration between 800 and 1200 ppm. Warning: air quality is deteriorating and it is time to react. • Red: CO2 concentration of 1200 ppm (legal maximum according to the A.R. workplaces) and more. The air quality in the room is bad and it is imperative to take action to renew the indoor air.