Korian's health network launches digital solution e HDJ for remote day hospitalisation
This digital solution enables patients to continue their care and rehabilitation at home.
Several care and rehabilitation clinics in the Korian network are already committed to this solution, which will be deployed in 20 establishments during December and January before being extended in the following months.
Among them is the Trois Tours clinic, in La Destrousse, (Bouches-du-Rhône) specialising in respiratory and ENT rehabilitation, for patients suffering in particular from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Thanks to its expertise in the development of patient pathways in various chronic pathologies, but also with improved rehabilitation after surgery, a new mode of care is proposed to complete the current HDJ care offer.
e-HDJ meets several needs.
1) By offering an alternative to face-to-face care with supplements at home, it allows patients who do not always have the time or possibility to travel regularly to the clinic to continue their rehabilitation from home.
2) Remote therapeutic care will always be carried out under the strict supervision of a referring doctor, who will have made an initial assessment to check the patient's eligibility criteria and will follow each stage of the rehabilitation.
3) Each re-education session will take place live, in the presence of the nursing staff, the objective being to permanently accompany the patient in his session while he does his exercises. Thus, the rehabilitation will be done by alternating face-to-face sessions within the establishment and live sessions at home.
The "e HDJ" is a service that the Korian group has been working on for several months but whose deployment was accelerated by the Covid crisis , which considerably increased the number of patients requiring respiratory rehabilitation, some of whom, still very weakened by their illness, are unable to travel daily to clinics for their rehabilitation sessions.
This service is based on a digital solution developed by the start-up company Move In Med, specialised in the development of services and digital tools (e-health) to improve the journey of patients suffering from chronic diseases, in which the Korian group took a majority stake in February 2020.