An ambitious program in 2021 for new Korian’s Health Research & Innovation Department

Korian is developing research in its facilities to concretely improve the relevance and quality of caregiving. With 22 projects already underway, organized around 4 priority areas, Korian's 2021 Health Research & Innovation Department program is ambitious :
• Health behaviours,
• The relevance of drug and non-drug therapies,
• Muscle as a risk factor and therapeutic issue,
• Innovation in care Pathways.
A team of experienced researchers
Launched at the beginning of 2020 and building on the autonomous research department created many years ago by the "5 santé” clinic group that joined Korian, The Health Research & Innovation Department has established a controlled organisation around experienced and permanent researchers and long-standing contractual collaborations with universities and public institutions as University of Montpellier, University of Lyon, and university laboratories.
Multiple and award-winning achievements
With nearly 80 indexed publications and 258 conference papers to its credit, the research team and several therapists from the Group's healthcare facilities presented several projects last September at the European Respiratory Society, the most important annual conference in the field of Respirology. In November, during the 13th Francophone Alvéole Days (which bring together experts in respiratory rehabilitation), they won the prize for ‘best communication’ with the project entitled "Specific reduction of motor cortex activation in COPD patients with muscle weakness.”
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