Coronavirus Information

As of February 25, 2020, within the framework of the epidemic linked to the coronavirus (Covid-19), the Korian Group proactively activated Level 2 of its Epidemic Alert Plan for all its facilities in Europe.
In this respect, in addition to the normal barrier measures already in place (systematic hand washing, particularly at the entrance to the establishments and/or disinfection with hydro-alcoholic solutions, bio-cleansing, etc.), the following measures have been implemented in each establishment:
- systematic sign-in registration in a ledger for all external visitors
- single entry point per facility
- temperature taken for all staff upon entering the sites and twice daily for all residents/patients
- limitation on external events with strict reminder of preventive measures
- group activities in small groups
- reporting of any suspected infectious symptoms to the Group crisis unit for immediate analysis and, if necessary, implementation of appropriate protective measures.
However, in Italy, given the evolution of the epidemic situation, the Group decided to directly activate Level 3 of the Epidemic Alert Plan, which limits external visitors to employees and healthcare professionals only, except in special situations.
The Group then decided to activate Level 3 as of March 6 for the entire French network in light of the epidemiological situation, and then, as of March 13, in Germany, Belgium and now the Netherlands.
When there is a risk of contagion for residents or patients at a given site, additional internal containment measures are taken to limit interactions between people potentially carrying the virus and other residents. The medical and administrative teams concentrate all their efforts on preventing disease and maintaining the well-being of residents and patients.
Fully aware of the sacrifice that families and residents make when they have to temporarily forego regular visits, Korian makes every effort to allow contact to be maintained in all forms. User-friendly and innovative solutions are thus deployed, such as the use of digital platforms for exchanging photos and messages (Korian Générations in France and Belgium) or the use of videoconferencing systems.
A monitoring unit has been set up in each country and at Group level; in addition, our medical departments are in close contact with the health authorities.
As a reminder :
In France, within the framework of a protocol signed with the National Public Health Agency in 2018, the Korian Group's retirement homes are part of a sentinel network and, as such, collaborate with national reference centers for the diagnosis and prevention of acute respiratory infections.