EDEW: Our societal commitment to disability at work

Korian has been a partner of the European Disability Employment Week since 2007. On the occasion of the 25th edition of the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (EDEW), which takes place from Monday 15 to Sunday 21 November 2021, Korian France is mobilising in favour of the integration and retention of disabled workers alongside LADAPT and its institutional partners to raise awareness of this issue. In France, disability affects 12 million people, i.e. more than one French person in five.
Training and apprenticeship: key themes of the EDEW 2021
This 25th edition focuses on two essential themes:
- Youth with disabilities and employment: how to develop apprenticeships and access to higher education?
- Rurality, disability and employment
Aware of these major challenges to cope with the ageing population and health needs, Korian is participating on 15 November in a round table, in the presence of the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Labour, Employment and Integration, in charge of Integration, Brigitte Kleinkert and the Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service, Amélie de Monchalin on the occasion of the inauguration of the SEEPH 2021 and in partnership with LADAPT. We will have the pleasure of highlighting the career of Faouzia Mehrouch who, following a change of career, is now working as an apprentice in one of our Korian establishments: Les Terrasses du XX.
Webinars to promote access to employment for people with disabilities
We will also be present to meet and attract our future talents during the Rencontre Emploi Handicap in Bordeaux on 16 November. The aim is to promote the professional integration of disabled workers.
Webinars to promote access to employment for people with disabilities
Strongly committed to apprenticeship and disability, Korian, via our disability employment mission and our two apprentice training centres, Apprentice Training Centre for the Care Professions (CFA des métiers du Soin) and the Apprenticeship Training Centre for chefs (CFA des Chefs) will be taking part in two webinars. We will have the pleasure of associating Grégory Cuilleron, entrepreneurial cook with a disability, winner in 2009 of "un diner presque parfait" and participant of Top Chef on M6.
Objective: to attract candidates interested in Korian and particularly those wishing to move into the care and catering professions to become our future colleagues.
On the programme:
• 1st webinar on Wednesday 17 November from 4pm to 5pm
"A question of life, a question of desire, which job for tomorrow? Become a caregiver at Korian!
• 2nd webinar on Friday 17 November from 5.30 to 6.30 pm
"A question of life, a question of desire, which job for tomorrow? Become a cook at Korian!
DuoDay©: meetings to change the way people look at disability employment on Thursday 18 November 2021
Korian establishments in France are invited to take part in the DuoDay operation from 18 November or during the SEEPH throughout the country.

Created in 2018 at the instigation of the Secretary of State in charge of People with Disabilities, Ms Sophie CLUZEL, the principle of Duo Day is simple.
During this day, a person with a disability, in duo with a Korian professional volunteer, will gather in our establishments. On the programme: discovery of the profession, active participation, immersion in one of our homes to create vocations but also to create opportunities for future collaborations, to share a warm and benevolent moment, to communicate on our social values, and to share our know-how within the company.
This scheme represents an opportunity to meet and change our views and, together, to overcome prejudices.
Our actions throughout the year in favour of people with disabilities
Since 2014, we have been working on a daily basis to promote the integration and retention of disabled workers. In this respect, we have implemented a policy within the framework of an agreement promoting the employment of disabled people. The "Mission Emploi Handicap" offers personalised support to enable the integration and retention of employees who need to adapt their position to carry out their mission. In the field, close to the employees, a community of disability advisors works within our establishments.
For example, in order to promote our offers and meet disabled workers interested in our professions, since 2019 we have been a partner of Hello Handicap, in partnership with Agefiph, Apec, Pôle Emploi, and the State Secretariat for the Disabled. This is a virtual recruitment fair specifically dedicated to disabled workers who are passionate about the world of care. We have participated in two events, in May 2021 and October 2021.
Finally, the Group has developed a proactive policy on inclusion for several years. The creation of our two Apprentice Training Centres is one of the opportunities for us to promote the employment of people with disabilities who, for example, wish to move into our businesses following professional retraining. Thus, we started a new training session with the CFA des Chefs in September 2021, which proved to be successful as it enabled 19 apprentices with disabilities to join us in our cooking and catering professions. This action was carried out in partnership with Synergie for the sourcing of candidates. We are rolling out this action with the Apprentice Training Centre for the Care Professions and hope that it will be just as successful for the next school year in January 2022.
The promotion of the employment of people with disabilities is a matter of course in all countries where the Group is present. Korian is committed to integrating disabled employees and ensures that they have the same opportunities as all employees.
In Spain, the Group has signed a partnership with the company ILUNION, as a special employment centre for people with disabilities.
Watch the official #SEEPH 2021 spot:
#SEEPH2021 #LADAPT #Disability #Inclusion #Employment #Inclusion #DuoDay Autonomy