Inicea, a healthcare offer suited to current and future challenges

To continue addressing evolving healthcare needs, the Korian Group has consolidated its France healthcare activities under the name “Inicea”.This single brand, based on expertise with a human touch, encompasses a range of locally-integrated services aimed at supporting frail persons and preserve their autonomy.
Local responses tailored to emerging challenges
French and European healthcare needs are shifting due to several demographic and medical factors. Chief among them is population ageing: its many consequences on people's health and autonomy are further compounded by the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Moreover, average medicine and surgery hospital stays are becoming shorter, highlighting the need for new services to supplement these short hospitalisations. This is where the Korian Group’s 20 years of expertise and experience comes into play. Because local solutions are needed more than ever, the Group’s multidisciplinary teams work in close partnership with healthcare players in their local ecosystems. Across population centres, their goal is to gradually develop a truly locally-integrated, diversified range of services and care, under the aegis of regional authorities. This is the context where Inicea combines three complementary activities: medical and rehabilitation care (MRC), mental health, and hospital home care (HHC).
Addressing chronic diseases through medical and rehabilitation care (MRC)
PRC covers a wide range of specialisations in paediatric and adult pathology. Its main objectives include the rehabilitation not just of damaged organs, but also of the patient overall, so they may best adapt to their potential limitations. PRC is instrumental to meet growing healthcare needs tied to chronic diseases. Today, 10.7 million people in France are receiving medical care for a registered long-term ailment, i.e. 17% of the population.
Generally speaking, the objectives of in-facility PRC care are:
- Functional rehabilitation: enabling patients to recover maximum physical, cognitive and psychological function.
- Overall rehabilitation or readaptation: supporting patients in dealing with their limitations, should they prove irreversible.
- Reinsertion: going beyond medical care and ensuring patients enjoy meaningful autonomy in their family and professional life.
With 70 medical and rehabilitation care (MRC) clinics, Inicea is currently the leading private PRC operator in France, where it accounts for 15.6% of private sector PRC facilities.
Mental health, a social and medical concern
We are all concerned by mental health, directly or indirectly. In the European Union, mental disorders affect an estimated 84 million people, roughly 1/6 of the population (17.3%). Prevalence rates vary from country to country, with the highest being observed in Finland, the Netherlands, Ireland, and France, where 12 million people are impacted by mental health problems each year.
Inicea’s activities mainly focus on addiction, adult psychiatry, paediatric and adolescent psychiatry, psychiatry of the elderly, and eating disorders. With 32 psychiatry & addiction medicine clinics, Inicea is currently France’s 3rd largest private operator in the mental health field. The Inicea network includes 9 autonomous outpatient psychiatric centres, a pioneering model providing day-hospitalisation sessions in a stigma-free environment to support patients’ reinsertion into their family, social and professional lives.
Medical expertise at home with hospital home care (HHC)
To best meet patient needs at home and at any age, HHC typically provides medical and paramedical care that cannot be covered by independent professionals. In short, HHC “brings” hospital resources and care into the home, for added comfort and peace of mind. HHC brings together a range of medical disciplines: doctors, nurses, rehabilitation specialists, social workers, psychologists, dieticians, etc.
Supplementing HAH, home nursing services (HNS) are a valuable compromise between full hospitalisation and placement in a specialised institution. HNS is usually performed by nurses or nursing assistants, on an ad hoc basis or to support patients with chronic illnesses, and evolving or unstable acute pathologies. Inicea currently manages 8 HHC facilities and 3 HNS platforms.
Inicea shares the Korian Group’s goals of excellence and being the employer of reference as a provider of high-quality services to frail people, their families, and carers. As such, its healthcare activities follow the same quality standards: 100% of Inicea clinics have received A- or B-level certification (70% and 30% respectively) from the French National Authority for Health (the HAS). Similarly, all Inicea facilities will be ISO 9001 certified by end-2023 to guarantee high, consistent quality standards throughout.

Number of facilities: 113
● 70 MRC clinics
● 32 mental health clinics
● 8 hospital home care (HHC) facilities
● 3 home nursing services (HNS)
Outpatient services: 86 day hospitals (with 66 opened between 2018 and 2022)
● 64 MRC day hospitals
● 22 mental health day hospitals
Number of beds and places: 10,462
● 8,965 beds (1,980 mental health and 6,985 MRC)
● 1,497 day hospital places (490 mental health and 1,007 MRC)
Medical and paramedical staff:
● Nurses: 1,658
● Employed rehabilitation specialists: 598
● Doctors: 495
● Psychiatrists: 110
● Psychologists: 204
● Dieticians: 92
Please visit Inicea website for further details