International Women’s Day: equality for all!

Over 80% of our Group’s workforce is made up of women. On this International Women’s Day, Clariane is reaffirming its commitment to work every day to ensure that all women can fully realise their professional aspirations in an inclusive and egalitarian environment, particularly through the actions of the Clariane Women’s Club.
Guaranteeing gender equality in the workplace
The Group has an ambitious and proactive policy in favour of gender equality, and is taking action on several fronts.
- In 2020, the Group was the first healthcare sector company to sign up to the Women’s Empowerment Principles. Jointly established by UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact, the WEPs comprise seven principles which companies adopt to promote gender equality in the work environment.
- Since 2019, the Group has been committed to the promotion of women in Top management, and now 56% of executive positions are held by women.
- Alongside the companies in the OneInThreeWomen network, Clariane is rolling out actions in all countries to raise awareness of gender-based violence and support people who are victims of it.
- In 2021, Clariane France management and trade unions signed an agreement in favour of professional equality between women and men. The agreement guarantees equal treatment in terms of recruitment and access to training and includes measures to help reconcile work and family responsibilities.
Clariane says #StopE to everyday sexism
Inappropriate jokes and comments, remarks relating to maternity, negative stereotypes… Sexism in the workplace takes many forms. On the occasion of the national day against sexism on 24 January 2024, Clariane joined the #StopE initiative “Stop everyday sexism in the workplace” led by the AFMD (French Association of Diversity Managers).
Under the High Patronage of the Ministry for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, the #StopE initiative now has 270 signatory organisations. Its aim? To share and promote good practice in the fight against everyday “ordinary” sexism in the workplace.
To this end, Clariane is committed to reducing everyday sexism within the company over the long term through eight priority actions, including the zero-tolerance principle and raising employee awareness of sexist behaviour (acts, comments, attitudes) and their impact.
In France, this is reflected in the broadcasting of “employees-dedicated” content on screens in headquarters and facilities as well as an e-learning training “Awareness of the fight against sexist acts” intended to:
- recognise situations corresponding to sexist actions
- identify the right responses to sexist behaviour

In Spain, Clariane has launched a campaign covering all the operational measures it has taken to accelerate professional equality between women and men in the workplace.

Ordinary sexism, what’s that? Ordinary sexism at work is defined as the set of attitudes, statements and behaviours based on gender stereotypes, which are directly or indirectly aimed at a person or group of people because of their gender and which, although seemingly harmless, have the purpose or effect, consciously or unconsciously, of devaluing and belittling them, insidiously or even benevolently, and of bringing about a deterioration in their physical or mental health.
Focus on Italy: our actions to accelerate gender equality
Federico Guidoni, CEO Clariane Italy, signed the “Manifesto per la parità nella filiera italiana” promoted by the Winning Women Institute and Danone. This certification attests that governance works continuously and consistently for equality between women and men. In Italy, the promotion of gender equality, employment and the professional development of women is not only a social concern but also a conviction that this balance has a positive impact on the development of the company.
All Clariane sites in Italy have been awarded the Italian UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification for gender equality. This certification is awarded by Bureau Veritas Italia based on an audit covering six areas:
- culture & strategy
- governance
- human resources management processes
- career development opportunities for women in the company
- parental protection and work-life balance
- gender pay equity
On 8 March, the Clariane Italy teams, in collaboration with the Clariane Women’s Club, also launched a social media campaign to raise awareness of gender stereotypes in connection with International Women’s Day. The message is clear: “less conversation, more action”.

Clariane Women’s Club: by and for women!
With the Clariane Women’s Club, the Group is working all year round to promote diversity within the company and share best practice in recognising and promoting women. This club, which operates as a network of women managers in all countries, works on two pillars:
- the fight against violence against women, notably through the Orange the World campaign;
- the promotion of women’s leadership and empowerment.
Mentoring initiatives have been launched in a number of countries, including Belgium last year and France, where a trial involving ten pairs was launched in March this year.