Korian certified Top Employer 2022

Korian Germany and Korian France have been certified as Top Employer 2022 for the second time in a row by the « Top Employers Institute ».
"After the certification received by Korian Germany in 2021, this certification encourages us to continue the fundamental work undertaken over the past six years to make Korian the benchmark employer in the Old Age and frailty sector on a European scale. The health and safety of our employees, the development of their skills, and the commitment to work-study programmes are at the heart of our mission and our company project, In Caring Hands. I would like to congratulate all those who contribute to this on a daily basis", says Sophie Boissard Chief Executive Officer of Korian.
What is Top Employer?
Top Employer Institute, an international certification organisation, recognises the excellence of HR practices after an in-depth audit. This certification highlights the attention paid to Korian employees and reinforces the Group's promise to become the benchmark employer in its sector by taking care of those who take care, guided by its corporate project " In Caring Hands ".
Korian results of the "Top Employer" audit
The audit that preceded this certification covered 400 HR practices divided into six main areas (Manage, Organise, Attract, Develop, Engage and Bring together) covering a total of 20 themes including talent management strategy, work environment, talent acquisition, training and skills development, well-being at work, and diversity and inclusion.
Korian France achieved an overall score of 70.12%, exceeding the 60% required to achieve the standard. The results show particularly high scores for the management and organisation of Korian France's HR policy, as well as for its employer brand and inclusion practices.
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