Korian invests in start-up Move in Med to develop coordinated care pathways

Korian has announced that it is in exclusive negotiations with the two co-founders of the start-up Move in Med with a view to acquiring a majority shareholding in the start-up’s share capital. Move in Med specialises in developing digital services and tools to improve the care pathway of patients with chronic diseases.
Awarded the Prix Galien in 2018, Move in Med is currently considered one of the most innovative companies in its field.
Move In Med offers specific expertise in consultancy, technological innovation and training for healthcare professionals and facilities. The care pathways it designs combine personalised support for patients with their own digital healthcare space, which centralises data and events relating to their healthcare pathway and facilitates interaction and cooperation between the medico-psycho-social healthcare professionals involved in their care.
Some 50 public, private, institutional and voluntary organisations already use Move In Med’s services. These include Korian, which worked with Move In Med to create an initial pathway, for patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, now operational in the Les Trois Tours clinic (13), five further pathways are planned.
Founded in 2016 by Sylvie Boichot and Sophie Gendrault, the company aims to continue its development in France and internationally.
“Korian shares a common vision with Move In Med of caring for chronic patients by improving the local doctor - hospital relationship on the one hand, and the patient experience on the other”, explains Nicolas Merigot, France Healthcare Division Executive VP.
Korian also collaborated with Move in Med on its Oriane offer.
“Move in Med enables digital technology to be used to help keep patients in their own home, as active participants in their own health, with prevention as the key focus”, comments Olivier Lebouché, Chief Executive Officer of Korian Domicile and Korian Solutions.
“We are proud of this strategic partnership with the Korian Group, with whom we share the same values and beliefs. This will enable Move In Med to develop within an extremely favourable context, and allow patients to benefit from optimised, tailored care”, says Move In Med CEO, Sylvie Boichot.