The Korian Foundation's new white paper Yes, Seniors Are Helpful! now available

Accessible to family and professional carers but also to all those interested in the issue of old age, the white paper aims to enhance the social role of people over 65.

The white paper reports on the research carried out and public debates undertaken by the scientific committee of the Korian Foundation since 2017 on the theme of seniors’ usefulness.
Each of the six themes is approached based on the results of the 2018 European Barometer on Seniors’ Usefulness, comprised of an analysis by about fifty specialists and professionals, as well as various initiatives and best practices identified in the territories and collected during Les Matinales (morning events) organised on this theme by the Korian Foundation in several cities in France and in Belgium.
"Utility, a social inclusion factor, is an indispensable marker for understanding seniors’ experience and quality of life. We have designed a book that is both practical and inspiring, based on the testimonies and experiences of seniors, their families and care professionals. It is intended for all those who wish to enhance the social role of the elderly, give them back their place in society and help to improve living together", says Aude Letty, Executive Director of the Korian Foundation for Ageing Well.
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