The Korian group takes as its new graphic identity « in caring hands »

By 2030, in less than one generation, the ratio of seniors to workers in Europe will decline from 1 senior for 3 workers to 1 senior for 2 workers. These seniors will need greater care and more attention than the generations that preceded them. The human, economic and societal challenge is therefore immense, and still requires further mobilisation, reinforced skills, and new facilities and services.
In order to promote and support its In caring hands corporate project, launched in September 2019, the Korian Group is changing its visual identity and putting in place a brand architecture that reflects its European development and diversification strategy. The design agency Saguez & Partners worked with the Group as it reflected on and developed its brand strategy.
« In caring hands means a spirit of innovation driving well-being and quality of life for all. The decision to link Korian more closely with the emblem of our corporate project seemed an obvious one to me in view of the support and commitment of our staff. The two hearts show the commitment of each of us to serve those we assist and care for. They represent the teamwork and the pact of trust that binds us. Through the colour scheme, the hearts also illustrate the diversity and complementarity of our different professions and everything that we will be able to achieve together » Sophie Boissard, Chief Executive Officer Korian Group
Life in colour at the heart of the brand through the logo
Korian’s new brand is inspired by the Group’s profoundly human vision, that goes beyond caring for fragile people to supporting them towards greater well-being and joie de vivre. The new design and its new colours symbolise:
The brand as a driver for the Group’s transformation and diversification
The total redesign of the brand architecture enables the Group’s different offers to coexist in harmony. The Korian brand has been established as an umbrella brand, nourishing the whole array of activities of the Group. It reflects Korian’s care and service expertise wherever it is deployed, while preserving local integration and the specificities of the different offers. This new endorsement policy allows the new brands that have been acquired or created – Petitsfils and Ages&Vie in France, Stepping Stones in the Netherlands, Seniors in Spain, Oriane in France and Over in Italy - to find their place in the Korian family. In this context, the brand is making the transition from one initially associated with sites, to a care and support services brand founded on an increasingly diversified offering, providing tangible and value added results.