A first cohort of site managers graduates after undergoing a European training program

Clariane Group

Employee professional development is not only a priority for Clariane, but also a concrete response to the profound changes taking place in the medico-social sector and the care professions in general.
Because they are at the heart of this major transformation, Clariane has set up the first European development course for the Group's site managers, starting in 2020. 231 of them, from five countries, have just received their graduation certificates.

The s.Keys - Skills for share program, developed with the IFG Executive Education group and awarded with a partial university certification by the Université de Haute Alsace (RNCP N°35922 Level 7 "Master Entreprenariat et Management de projet", i.e. 48 ECTS), is aimed at all Clariane Group site managers.

It is based on an agile and innovative pedagogy that combines e-learning, virtual classes, and face-to-face sessions, but also master classes given by Clariane Group Top Managers. This program enables site managers to develop initiative, acquire a 360° view of everyday situations, and think "outside the box" in innovative ways to meet new challenges.

This training program has been designed to promote self-confidence, exchanges and cooperation between colleagues, thanks to the co-development, innovation and creativity methods used. It enhances and develops the profession of site managers and helps create a genuine community of peers.

Today, after three years on the development path, the IFG/s.Keys certificate - Transformation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship - issued by IFG Executive Education, has been awarded simultaneously to 231 site managers in five of the seven countries in which Clariane operates: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France and Italy, i.e. 82% of the managers involved in this program.

Sophie Boissard, Clariane's Managing Director, comments: "We have made the training and professional development of our employees the cornerstone of our corporate project At your side, because they are the sine qua non of the quality of care we provide in our sites. I would like to pay tribute to the remarkable commitment of the 231 managers who completed their three-year training course and obtained their certificates."

According to Rémi Boyer, Group CHRO, "This s.Keys - skills for share development program has helped to build loyalty among management teams, thanks to a program designed over three years to advance and deepen the leadership skills of teams in the field. It has also paved the way for the new Clariane Managers Academy, which kicks off this year as part of the Clariane University." (https://universite.clariane.com/)

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