Korian creates the 3rd European mental health platform after completing its acquisition of Ita Salud Mental

Clariane Group

 Third largest mental health player in Spain
- 39 sites in key locations including Madrid and Valencia
- 27 inpatient clinics with c.900 beds and 12 outpatient clinics with a capacity for 10,000 sessions per month
- Expected 2021 revenue c. €50 million and accretive to Group margins
- High embedded growth with an expected CAGR of c.15% in revenue until 2024
 Creation of the 3rd pan-European mental health platform
- Expected 2022 revenue c. 250 millions in France, Spain and Italy
- Embedded growth c.10%

Press contacts

  • Florian Bachelet

    Press Relations Manager

  • Julie Mary

    Responsible for Press Relations