Launch of the Clariane University in France

Clariane Group

Clariane is launching its new corporate university, which brings together all the training courses offered by the Group to its employees, both in-house and with partner schools and institutes. Clariane University is the first initiative to put into practice the transformation of Clariane into a company with a mission, as adopted by its General Meeting on 15 June 2023.
Initially operational in France, it will then be rolled out in all the Group's other countries, with the aim of offering at least 6,500 degree courses each year in the Group's main business lines (care, hospitality and management).

As a result of demographic and epidemiological trends, the need for specialised care, both in institutions and in outpatient and home care settings, will continue to grow by at least 4% per year between now and 2030, increasing the need for personnel, particularly qualified healthcare professionals.

Faced with this major challenge, the Clariane Group took the lead in 2020 by opening its own Center of Apprentice training (CFA) for care professions in France, which today trains more than 250 future care assistants through apprenticeships or professional retraining courses. With partner training institutes, it has also developed apprenticeships in nursing and rehabilitation, with more than 150 young people in training to date. For a number of years now, the Group has also been investing in the professional development of its employees, through ongoing training leading to qualifications, combined where appropriate with validation of acquired experience. Finally, together with four other companies, the Group has set up a "CFA des chefs" to train chefs.

Similar initiatives are underway in each of the 7 countries in which we operate.
In total, by 2022, almost 12% of the Group's workforce will have taken part in one of the 150 or so degree courses offered by the company, 3 times more than in 2019.

Today, the Clariane Group is taking a further step by creating a corporate university, which will bring together all the training, continuing education, certification and diploma courses available to Group employees and, under certain conditions, to third-party professionals.

In France, Clariane University has three academies corresponding to the Group's three main areas of business expertise: 1- Health and Care, 2- Catering, Hospitality and Services, and 3- Management and Leadership. In each of these academies, depending on the course and level of expertise, there are both advanced training courses, some of which lead to certification, and training courses leading to state diplomas, through apprenticeships, professional retraining or validation of prior experience.

By 2024, 3,000 degree courses will be available throughout France, thanks to Clariane's network of in-house and external training organisations and its various partner schools and universities, which include almost all medical universities, numerous nursing training institutes (IFSIs), schools specialising in paramedical professions, regional nursing aid training institutes (IFAS), partners in apprenticeships (CFA) and initial training, schools and CFA specialising in accommodation and catering, and establishments specialising in management and support functions.
From September, the Université Clariane will also be offering a series of web conferences open to all. The first topics to be covered include palliative care, led by Professor Claude Grange, and Alzheimer's disease, led by Professor Bruno Dubois.

More broadly, this University is part of the Clariane Group's commitment to promoting professional integration and social advancement through work and training, which is at the heart of its employer promise.

From now on, all available training courses can be consulted online at:

Sophie Boissard, Chief Executive Officer of the Clariane Group, said: "As a major player in the European healthcare sector and in line with our commitments as a company with a mission, we want to play our part in the collective effort to train new healthcare professionals, to meet the needs of the regions in which we operate and to offer our employees motivating career development prospects. With Clariane University, the 1st corporate university in the healthcare and hospitality sector, we are meeting the individual and collective development needs of our teams, while making our professions more attractive.”

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