Nicolas Truelle Appointed Chair of Clariane’s Mission Committee

As of January 1, 2025, Nicolas Truelle, former Director-General of Apprentis d'Auteuil, joins Clariane’s Mission Committee as its Chair, succeeding Dr. Françoise Weber, who has asked to step down from her position for personal reasons.
Clariane’s Mission Committee was established in 2023 as part of Clariane’s adoption of “purpose-driven company” status. It consists of thirteen members, divided into three groups:
• The Employee Representatives Group, consisting of Martina Nickel for Germany, Catia Piantoni for Italy, Bo Swolfs for Belgium, and Jérôme Vandekerkhove for France.
• The Representatives of Families, Patients, Residents, and Local Communities Group, consisting of Dr. Stefan Arend for Germany, Professor Francesco Longo for Italy, Dr. Jacques Van der Horst for the Netherlands, and, until December 31, 2024, Dr. Françoise Weber for France.
• The External Experts Group, consisting of Moira Alla, co-founder and international coordinator of the non-profit Pass It On, Jean-Marie Bockel, former Minister and former Mayor of Mulhouse, Étienne Caniard, former President of Mutualité Française and former member of the Haute Autorité de Santé, the French health services regulator, Antoine Maspétiol, Director of Impactful Private Debt Management at Eiffel Investment Group, and Pierre-Yves Pouliquen, President of the non-profit Les Papillons Blancs de la Colline and Sustainable Development VP at Veolia.
The Mission Committee supports Clariane’s executive bodies with the implementation of the Group’s mission. In particular, it assesses the implementation of the social and environmental objectives to which the company has committed and produces an annual report presented at the General Shareholders’ Meeting. It also commissions a biennial review by an independent third-party organization to ensure that the mission is being properly carried out and that the Mission Committee is exercising its functions correctly.
Nicolas Truelle is the new Chair of Clariane’s Mission Committee.
From July 2015 to June 2024, Nicolas Truelle, 63, was Director-General of the Apprentis d’Auteuil Foundation, a recognized public utility foundation, and supported the development and transformation of the institution to better serve vulnerable populations.
Prior to this, he successively held positions of responsibility in the French government (Ministry of Industry, 1986-1992), then in the Sanofi Group (1992-2000), where his roles included Group HR Director and member of the Executive Committee. He then headed Via Location (2000-2010) before joining Weinberg Capital Partners as a partner.
Nicolas Truelle is a graduate of École Polytechnique and École des Mines Paris.
“The mission we have set for ourselves – Taking care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerability – is a demanding transformation pathway that commits not only us as a community but also our entire organization.
Having led Clariane France’s Stakeholder Council from 2019 and then as Chair of the Mission Committee since 2023, Dr. Françoise Weber has made a crucial contribution to defining our mission and formalizing the commitments that accompany it, and I want to express my most heartfelt thanks to her for everything she has done.
I am delighted that Nicolas Truelle will take up the torch and bring his ethical rigor and extensive operational experience to the Mission Committee.”