The Mediator of Korian France publishes his new annual activity report

Clariane Group

Korian promotes mediation and encourages its practice at the service of residents and patients, their relatives and the teams. As of 2020, an independent entity dedicated to mediation has been created, and in 2021 an independent mediator has been appointed by a college made up of approved consumer associations and Korian representatives, after advice from the Stakeholder Council. For the second year in a row, the Claude Czech Mediator has therefore submitted his annual report to Nicolas Mérigot, CEO of Korian France.

In 2022, the Mediator was contacted 47 times in conventional mediation, mainly for relational reasons. This increase compared to 2021 reveals the central importance given to dialogue at Korian and the stated willingness of the parties to have recourse to a third party, when the situation is complex. The information and awareness actions carried out with residents and patients, their relatives and the teams also seem to have borne fruit.

Mediation requests must meet the conditions of admissibility of the Mediation Charter in order to be processed. This year, 81% of the requests addressed to the Mediator for conventional mediation were declared admissible (i.e. 38 cases). The rate of agreement between the parties, following a mediation process, is close to 90% (total agreement and partial agreement).

The new report of the Mediator is available here :

For this new year, mediation at Korian France continues its expansion with the implementation of internal mediation, by the employees and for the employees, in all the establishments. For this, 12 mediators called facilitators, volunteers to fulfill this mission, have followed a 5-day training at the University of Aix-Marseille. Born from the desire to improve internal dialogue and conflict management, internal mediation at Korian is a first in the private sector of medico-social and health care.

According to Nicolas Mérigot, General Manager of Korian France: "The independent, constructive and transparent approach of the Mediator has fully demonstrated its benefits since his appointment two years ago. The development of mediation at Korian France is fully in line with the Group's objective to become a company with a mission. We are therefore going further today with the launch of internal mediation, within our establishments."

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