Dr Jean-François Brin

Independent Director, Member of the Audit Committee and Member of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Commitee

Date of appointment: General Meeting of 6 June 2019
Date of renewal: General Meeting of 22 June 2022
End of term of office: General Meeting convene to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2024

A medical doctor qualified in clinical pharmacology (University of Dijon) and a graduate of the specialised master’s degree in marketing intelligence from HEC, Dr Jean-François Brin began his career with an internship in Charolles (Saône-et-Loire), where he coordinated a Geriatric Department, post-acute care and long-term care. He joined Rhône-Poulenc Rorer France in 1993 and then held various positions in the field of psychiatric, neurodegenerative and rheumatological diseases. He became Vice-President Global Marketing Thrombosis & Internal Medicine when Sanofi took over Aventis, and was appointed Senior Vice-President of the Cardiovascular Division in 2010. With his international expertise in commercial transactions, acquisitions and alliances in the pharmaceutical industry, he left the group at the end of 2015 to create ES Consulting, a healthcare consulting firm specialising in strategic marketing and mergers and acquisitions. He supports several start-ups in their development in this sector, as a shareholder.

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