Grégory Lovichi began his career in 2002 at E&Y as a financial auditor before joining the Lafarge Group for 14 years. After 4 years in the Group’s Finance Department, where he held a variety of positions (reporting and consolidation, financial control, M&A and cash optimisation projects), Grégory Lovichi was appointed Chief Financial Officer for Brazil in 2010, Chief Financial Officer for Greece and finally Chief Financial Officer for Germany and the Netherlands.
In 2019, he will take up the position of Group Finance Director of the Le Duff Group, one of the world’s leading food and catering companies.
Grégory Lovichi, 45, is a graduate of EDHEC business school.
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About us
With 63,000 employees in six European countries, Clariane is meeting the major challenge of taking care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerabilty through its three activities.
Trust, responsibility, initiative: our three values are at the heart of our commitment and guide our actions on a daily basis.
With “At your side”, its new corporate project, Clariane confirms its strategic shift from old age to fragility.