
Develop a fair and sustainable business operating model that benefits our patients, residents and their families, our employees and other stakeholders for all our business lines and investment decisions.

Training and career development

Develop employability throughout the employee journey by providing qualifying training, to enable everyone to progress and evolve professionally.

Developing employability through training is an essential part of Clariane’s employer promise.

At the end of 2023, more than 7,100 employees, or 12% of the Group’s workforce, were engaged in training leading to qualifications, the majority of which were through apprenticeships and the validation of acquired experience.

Clariane University, launched in 2023, marks a new stage in the Group’s commitment to supporting career advancement through training. It brings together all the training courses
offered under one roof, both internally and with partner schools and institutes. These include continuous education, some of which lead to professional qualifications, as well as diplomas, apprenticeships, professional retraining or validation of acquired experience.


Reinvest a significant part of company profits in the improvement of patients, residents and employees quality of life and share with employees part of the value they contribute to create.

The Group’s value-sharing policy aims to find the right balance between reinvesting the Company’s profits in its purpose of care and returning it to shareholders providing the financial support necessary to implement this purpose.

In 2022, Clariane offered its employees a dedicated share ownership plan. This employee share ownership plan, KORUS 2022, enables employees to become shareholders of the Group under preferential conditions. Nearly 15% of eligible employees participated in the offer, i.e., more than 9,250 employees, bringing the employees’ share of the capital to 2.5%.

Given the Group’s strong growth and diversification over the past five years as well as the current difficult economic context, it is essential for Clariane to define the fundamentals that will make it possible to sustain value-sharing and the quality of the existing offer and services over the long term, whatever the environment.

The refinancing plan to which the Group committed on 14 November 2023 further underlines the criticality of this initiative and must be fully integrated into any reflections in this regard.