Guillaume Appéré began his career in the civil service, firstly in charge of the inspection of industrial facilities in Haute-Normandie from 2008 to 2011, then at the Ministry of Finance from 2011 to 2017, where he was successively Head of the Office for the coordination and preparation of legislation in the Tax Legislation Directorate, and then Deputy Director of transaction taxation.
In 2017, he joined Groupe Casino: in the Strategy Department, he was Director of Planning and Investments until 2022, then became the Group’s General Secretary and Secretary to the Executive Committee, a position he held until April 2024.
He will join the Clariane Group in May 2024, and until now has worked as a project manager for the Managing Director. Guillaume Appéré, 41, is a graduate of Mines ParisTech and a mining engineer.
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About us
With 63,000 employees in six European countries, Clariane is meeting the major challenge of taking care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerabilty through its three activities.
Trust, responsibility, initiative: our three values are at the heart of our commitment and guide our actions on a daily basis.
With “At your side”, its new corporate project, Clariane confirms its strategic shift from old age to fragility.